What caused the home resale market across the nation and in Phoenix to rise? A big part of it has been the news of the rise in interest rates which traditionally causes all the "fence sitters" to lock in the low interest rates before they go up. Nothing like a threat of an increase in a monthly mortgage payment to get Buyers motivated huh? LOL
posted by
ideapro on Wednesday 18th of March 2015
Well we are not out of the woods yet! According to the Arizona Business Journal Phoenix and Arizona continue to struggle with negative equity for homeowners, each ranking in the top three of the worst in the nation, according to a study out today by CoreLogic.
posted by
ideapro on Friday 9th of May 2014
Metro Phoenix's housing market experienced a jump in the housing market The area's median home-sales price climbed almost $10,000 in March from February.
posted by
ideapro on Tuesday 6th of May 2014
I don't normally disucuss the temperature of the Retail Market, but we live in an economic ecosytem where what happens in one part affects the other so we as Realtors and our clients should pay attention to what's happening in other segmensts of the market.
posted by
ideapro on Monday 18th of March 2013
For anyone who owns or rents property in Arizona, the road to recovery has been just as rocky as the road to sales recovery. Trends guidng it have affected the rental market too, and not always with positive results. Lately we are seeing the rental market being highy infulenced by the large investment firms who's buying sprees of huge blocks of homes has begun to slow.